Monday, November 29, 2010

.Post (Edit).

It has been brought to my attention that I left out one very important member in my Thanksgiving "thankful" list.  My life would not be definitely complete without this precious lil penguin...

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lovely Day.

Feeling especially thankful this year.  A perfect fall morning spent in the kitchen with family.  An afternoon nap.  And now?  A glass of red, and a warm cozy bed.  But most importantly, a boyfriend at home who loves me more than anything (and tells me every day).

I am truly blessed. 

My Thanksgiving Contribution

Homemade cranberry sauce.



So Thankful.
For him.

...these girls...

                 and them.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

The Weather Outside is Frightful...

So I stay inside and cook.
...and drink.

..Butternut Squash Chicken Stew..

..Pumpkin Penne w/Parmesan..
And my most recent culinary discovery...
Chicken pho (a la Pho Van) is my new favorite gluten-free winter treat.

Monday, November 8, 2010

I'm not really sure when or how it happened, but it would seem as though I've caught the bug of domesticity.  Perhaps it's the season (the golden trees, the crisp air, or the imminence of holiday festivities).  Whatever the reason, I can't seem to stop cooking, cleaning, and shopping...for groceries of all things! (and maybe some shoes too...I've not completely lost all sense).  But now I'm hearing myself say things like "sautee", "simmer" and "babe will you run to the store; we're out of cumin".

To highlight the extreme nature of my condition, here are just a few of my purchases from yesterday:
-a new MAC lipstick
-a black peacoat
-a pair of sparkly earrings
-2 bulbs of fennel...?

Who is this girl?!

For now, I figure I'll just embrace it.  The scariest part of this whole transformation is that I'm truly enjoying it.  I love how the apartment consistently smells like home cooked food, I always have clean (and color coordinated) clothes, and most importantly, I haven't managed to catch anything on fire, or lose a finger yet (however there have been a couple of close calls).  Someone please kill me if I start knitting, collecting dolls, or develop a sudden fascination for cats.