Wednesday, March 28, 2012

This is, in fact, part of my job description. I ♥ France.

"It's kind of hard to have a meaningful conversation with you when there's a big fat stupid elephant in the room..."

Quote of the week.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

I've been known to make the occasional rash decision in my lifetime, which has landed me in some rather interesting situations.  However, none as interesting as the one I'm in now.  This time, it would seem as though I have a partner in crime.  And as luck would have it, this someone appears to be equally as erratic free-spirited as myself.  So here we are, together in one of these "situations" that we've created for in which the ending is somewhat uncertain.  I can't help but think we are either the most logical, mature people in the world, or the most delusional.  
I suppose only time will tell...
                                                                                      ...C'est moi

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

You win today, win.
However, this does not mean I won't be back tomorrow, refreshed and ready for round two.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

.Breaking the rules.

For those who know me personally, you'll know that I am the type of person who craves order and structure in my life.  I'm the list making queen, ruler of all things tidy, and as my boyfriend knows, nothing makes me happier than bath towels folded just the right way.

This being said, in the spirit of cultural immersion, I've allowed myself to relax just a little since I arrived in France.  As a result, I've learned some important lessons that I felt the need to share (in list form of course). 

1. The French are all about pleasure.  They simply don't see the point in doing things that are not enjoyable (and really, can you blame them)?  They drink, smoke, and... [gasp] eat carbs!  All of the things that Americans feel guilty about.  After a month in France, I find myself wondering, why all the guilt?  Why should we feel bad about indulging in the little things that bring us pleasure in life?  

2. Since I've been here, I've been on a steady diet of Nutella, wine, and some of the most incredible cheese I've ever tasted.  For those of you who really know me, you'll know that this is an even bigger accomplishment.  There really is something to the notion that "French women don't get fat".  Read the book people...

3. Being out of your comfort zone is THE best way to learn about yourself (and in my case, learn another language).  I feel ridiculous every single day and often find myself mentally exhausted and clinging to a bottle of wine at night.  But, I honestly wouldn't have it any other way.  I've never felt more engaged and excited to learn in my life, and that is worth more than any of the self-imposed, arbitrary rules I can come up with.  

It may be due in part to the fabulous vintage handbag I scored today, the glass of red wine I'm currently sipping, or perhaps the subtle hint of spring outside my window on a near-perfect Paris evening.  Whatever the case may be, I am having a serious love affair with this city tonight...