Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Weekend Recap

After careful reflection on this past weekend, I've realized a few things about myself:

1. I have a slightly unhealthy obsession with all things Kardashian
2. I thoroughly enjoy being spoiled 
3. I am seriously out of the Gossip Girl loop
4. There's a good chance I may never be "mommy-material"  
5. I was likely Betty Crocker in a past life

That said, it's now time for this girl to head back to reality...and a new one at that.  A reality that will involve a new roommate.  Yep, to the dismay of Republicans everywhere...I'm becoming the girl with the [gasp] live-in boyfriend.  Granted, the biggest adjustments will be the drastic reduction of closet space and slight lack of square footage.  Relationships are supposed to be about compromise, right?  However, this is a big adjustment for me personally, and one that I swore I would never make again.  So much for my overly dramatic proclamations (I take after my father).  I'd like to believe that I'm ready for this, but I know there's a very good chance I'm not.  Yet, for some reason, I'm okay with that.  I'm okay with taking things one day at a time.  For once, I'm not looking ahead and wondering what the future holds because deep down, I know that it's going to be good.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It's Heeeere!

Fall in all of it's brilliance
Crisp morning air, crunchy leaves, pumpkins, 
apple cider, cozy sweaters, 
college football, lazy afternoons,
and perhaps most importantly, 
the inherent feeling that the best is yet to come. 
I'm especially smitten this time of year :)

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I Love...

  • Falling asleep to crickets outside my window
  • Football Saturdays
  • BBQ's with good friends
  • Sundays with mommy
  • Watching cable TV
  • Baking all day
  • Waking up to birds, not construction
  • Escaping the city for the weekend
  • Coming back refreshed

Friday, September 3, 2010

A wise friend has strongly advised me to enjoy my last two weeks as a (semi)single girl in the city.  She's right...I should be enjoying my final two weeks of sleeping with ALL the covers, taking long hot showers, and not having to share the bathroom mirror.  And yet here I sit with my laptop and dinner for one, facebooking, wondering what time it is in Bangkok, and how I'm going to rearrange my apartment to be more accommodating.  Perhaps this makes me a nerd, but I'm pretty confident he already knows this.  Let's just say that I'm more than ready for this seemingly endless summer to finally end.  I'm ready to share the covers, hot water, and even the bathroom mirror.  I just want my Asian back.