Saturday, May 28, 2011

I .heart. New York

I've been doing A LOT of daydreaming lately...
About stoops

Tree-lined streets

Claw Foot Tubs

Fire Escapes

And this.
It's hard to believe this place was once my home. It almost feels like it was another lifetime.  Every once in a while I start feeling a bit nostalgic and I miss it dearly.  Besides the city itself, I miss the people and the relationships I formed that were so completely unexpected and wonderful.  Something about this place is enchanting, and I so long to go back.


Oh Audrey, I could not agree more.

Friday, May 27, 2011

Some days you just need a hug.

Today is one of those days.

The kind where you just want to be some place familiar and warm.  

It's days like these when I'd give anything to spend just one more afternoon curled up in my favorite chair at the Grands house...

Eating fig bars and listening to my grandpa's soothing voice.  

My grandma's pretty smile, my grandpa's hugs, the smell of their house...the calm.

I need ::calm::

Sunday, May 22, 2011

My favorite 

place to 


a Sunday 



Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Ahhhh Finals.

I can sense them approaching. 

The lack of sleep, the pit in my stomach, the ever present caffeine jitters.

The make it or break it point in the term. 

Will I live to see another term of French? 

Peut ĂȘtre...