Friday, December 9, 2011

On Love...

I recently requested the advice of an older and much wiser friend on 

matters of the heart.  The response I received was profound to say the 

least, and reminded me yet again of my perpetual naïvety.  I was 

especially struck by one particular passage in his response…so 

much that I feel as though it would be a disservice to keep such 

wisdom to myself.  Although everyone’s circumstances in this life 

are quite different, there are certain feelings that are universal 

to the human experience.  Hence, the reason I cannot keep this 

to myself.  Take it and use it as you will.

This man knows what he’s talking about…

"I would caution against feeling like you are a victim of 

circumstance. This is the only time we have. If you consider 

the whole universe, the fact that your souls ended up on the 

same planet at the same time, and that you met and fell in 

love, it takes on the proportions of a miracle."

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